Using Chlorine Dioxide to Purify Water Inside the Body

No doubt, chlorine is the best way to purify water making even the most potentially dangerous water safe to drink. That is why it is used in most water treatment and distribution centers. They started saying it over 20 years ago and they’re still saying it today, “Chlorine dioxide is the most powerful pathogen killer known to man.

As the author of Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, I relay my personal experience with using chlorine dioxide not only as a water purifier but to purify the body from the inside out.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “Pathogens include viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites that invade the body and can cause health issues. Anthrax, HIV, Epstein-Barr virus, and the Zika virus, among many others, are examples of pathogens that cause serious diseases.”

That is why the FDA approves the use of chlorine dioxide in all industries that handle food and beverages for human consumption, to kill the pathogens before the food or drink gets to the end user. (Just so you know, chlorine dioxide kills all known pathogens without harming healthy helpful human bacteria, not just the ones the FDA’s limited list indicates.)

I have observed the use of chlorine dioxide as applied to the elimination of pathogens inside the body promoting better health, antiaging, and longevity in humans, ever since my dad, Jim Humble, discovered that it might be used as such in 1996. His research and documentation can be read in his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.


He was so impressed with the results of his study and reports from volunteers who tied it, that he nicknamed it MMS, short for Miracle Mineral Solution. Still, MMS was simply the two-part water purification drops, when mixing one drop of Part 1 and one drop of Part 2, makes one drop of activated chlorine dioxide or MMS.

This same two-part water purifier formula had been used by countless military, on expeditions, also by survivalists, outdoorsmen, campers, hikers, and the like, for use in the event that they might have to ingest potentially dangerous surface water in the field. This has been the most relied-upon water purifier for many years and is available at any outdoor sports store.

My dad has suffered countless smear campaigns aimed at discrediting him and his message in any manner possible launched by the same organization that authorized this simple water purification solution for everything from drinking water to anything and everything that is consumed by humans to make these items safe to eat or drink.

While the FDA admits that chlorine dioxide can effectively kill the pathogens that cause Anthrax, HIV, Epstein-Barr virus, and the Zika virus, it does not approve it for use inside the body, only on surfaces that might host these pathogens or on raw meat, produce, dairy, and in other industries that might encounter potentially harmful viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, like hospitals and hospitality.

Since my dad started spreading the idea that this simple water purifier solution could be used to kill the same pathogens inside the body, the FDA has declared war against my dad and the use of MMS or chlorine dioxide for human consumption. They went so far as to accuse my dad of telling people to drink bleach and bilking the sick and elderly of their life savings.

Of course, none of these things are true. Chemically speaking, chlorine dioxide, though a part of the chlorine family, is not the same as chlorine bleach. Also, note that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggests using household chlorine bleach to disinfect drinking water that may be unsafe to drink if boiling the water is not an option (no one suggests that the EPA is telling people to drink bleach). Using chlorine dioxide is preferred because it kills all pathogens, whereas chlorine bleach kills most of them.

And my dad never charged anyone money for his advice. He shared his findings freely and suggested they try an inexpensive water-purifying agent to see if it might make them feel better. That is all. What the FDA did and wrote press releases about based on falsehoods about my dad was just wrong. It certainly opened my eyes to something far more sinister going on behind the scenes.

I have witnessed my dad’s work and can tell you that millions of people have changed their lives powerfully and completely by reading or hearing my dad’s words. Since then, I have become a health coach, and while I use a wide variety of modalities in my work, I still strongly support the use of chlorine dioxide to purify the water inside the human body which is made of up to 60% water.

There are some things you might like to know, information that I have gleaned over 27 years of observing and participating in the healthy use of chlorine dioxide. Note that I am not giving anyone advice, just relating data I have accumulated over time. These things I have figured out for myself, and you should exercise the same due diligence to arrive at your own conclusions.

For instance, if you are faced with a health concern that has developed over a long period of time, one would expect that it would also take some time to clean oneself from the toxic sludge that has accumulated in your body over time.

Your body has a built-in repair and regeneration process that is designed to keep the body in a healthy state. It is impossible for this system to work effectively if all its energy is focused on fighting off toxins running amok in the body that is struggling to survive.

This high level of toxicity is also the reason for the caveat that one should not even try to start ingesting chlorine dioxide at a rate of more than one activated drop per hour. Even so, some bodies may be housing so many pathogens, that even one drop will kill them too rapidly at the outset, which could cause ill effects, like stomachache, headache, dizziness, diarrhea, or vomiting, to try to get rid of the massive debris from the dead pathogens rapidly.

Take only what you can tolerate based on your body’s reaction, even if it is only a half-drop or quarter-drop of chlorine dioxide water purifier solution. Then, work your way up from there. As your body becomes more cleansed of pathogens, you will be able to tolerate more chlorine dioxide.

Many people have reported miraculous results from as little as one to four drops in a glass of water per hour.

You should never attempt to make yourself sicker than you are to get better. Go slow.

If the taste of the two-part chlorine dioxide water purifier is too harsh for you, you could consider using Chlorine Dioxide Solution or CDS 3000 PPM. You may be able to purchase it, or you can make it yourself.

Do-it-yourself instructions can be found on the Internet or you will find instructions in my book as well for making CDS 3000 PPM. Reportedly it tastes better but is not as strong as the two-part formula.



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