7 Phases of Chlorine Dioxide for Health

I approach my use of chlorine dioxide in phases. There is the first phase, designed to acquaint your body with the chlorine dioxide water purification solution. The body will likely recognize chlorine dioxide as a familiar formula because it is used in most municipal water treatment plants and distribution facilities.

Outdoorsmen will recognize it as being the go to water purification drops that are preferred for making surface water in the filed safe to drink. The same goes for military ops, survivalists, campers, and hikers. It is available over the counter at outdoors sports supply centers in a two-part formula that produces chlorine dioxide on demand.

To use these chlorine dioxide water purification drops, generally, you will mix one drop, or an equal number of drops, of Part 1 and Part two in a clean dry glass and allow them to mix together in an activation process for thirty seconds, then you add your potentially unsafe water and allow it to neutralize all toxins and pathogens that may be lurking in the water. The result is water that is safe for human consumption.

It is very popular as an industrial surface sanitizer as well, for the same reasons, it is well known for killing all known pathogens, including bad bacteria, parasites, and viruses rapidly. It is found everywhere from hospitality to hospitals and is used in all manner of food and drink production to make safe for human consumption.

Chlorine does an excellent job of keeping us safe from the things that we mostly cannot see with the naked eye that can cause us a high degree of discomfort, make us sick, or even create a life-threatening health crisis.

My dad, Jim Humble, discovered quite by accident while working with a mining expedition out in the remote areas of the Amazon jungle when he witnessed workers who became deathly ill from malaria, suddenly recovered within 4 hours and returned to work. He had sent runners for help but was pretty sure that help would not arrive in time. He had hoped just to keep them as comfortable and hydrated with water that he had purified with chlorine dioxide as they lay dying.


Dad’s research and discoveries can be found in his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium where he discloses that it makes sense to use chlorine dioxide to purify not only water outside the body but the body itself from the inside.

Since chlorine dioxide is such an effective killer of pathogens it is best to start off slow because it is so effective at killing pathogens. Most people have such a high level of toxicity due to a lifetime of accumulation of toxins, pathogens, bad bacteria, and viruses. It’s a wonder we are alive at all, considering how toxic our bodies are, but we were created to survive, even under the worst conditions.

Starting off too aggressively with the chlorine dioxide can produce a large die-off of pathogens, flooding the system with debris the body must get rid of. That’s why one would start slow, increasing the amount of chlorine dioxide drop by drop, so that you only kill as many pathogens as your body can handle.

If you overwhelm your endocrine system with waste, you cannot feel well. You may become sick, nauseous, dizzy, you may get diarrhea or vomit, as your body does whatever it can to free itself from the debris.

The 7 phases of chlorine dioxide for health are similar to my dad’s protocols. So, we start with Phase 1.

Phase 1

My dad has always said to start with one drop of MMS, he nicknamed chlorine dioxide MMS, which was short for Miracle Mineral Solution. And if one drop makes you sick because you are the ones that have too much toxicity to easily manage even one drop, then you cut it in half, taking only one-half of one drop the next hour. If that is too much, cut it back again to only one-fourth of a drop.

Then continue with what you can easily manage, continue for the first day. So, if you started at one drop and could only handle one-fourth of a drop, then finish out the rest of the day at one-fourth and double it the next day.

So, on day two, you would be taking one-half a drop. Then it is up to you, you could try a whole drop later on day two or wait until day three. Whatever you are comfortable with.

You may be asking, “How can I cut a drop in half?” It really is quite simple. Let’s say you make a one drop mixture, one drop from Part 1 and one drop from Part 2. Then after they have activated for 30 seconds, they create one drop of chlorine dioxide. You add 4 ounces of water to the mixed drops, and you are ready to consume the one drop in the four-ounce serving.

To make one-half a drop, add 8 ounces of water to the activated drops, then pour off four ounces and take that, and discard the other four ounces. To make one-fourth an ounce, you make the one drop mix and add 16 ounces of water. Pour off 4 ounces, and take that. Then discard the remaining 12 ounces.

Phase 2

There is another thing that could come up when starting to take chlorine dioxide in the beginning, and that would be a negative reaction that would include a burning sensation in your throat or heartburn when you begin taking it. This would indicate that you have a challenge with mold or fungus and is an indicator that you should initiate Phase 2 before continuing to take chlorine dioxide or MMS.

You could be astounded to find out that these microorganisms may be causing many of your symptoms. If the other Chlorine Dioxide Phases fail to bring relief, it is worth stepping back and returning to Phase 2 for some time. If you still do not notice any improvement after a while, try increasing the number of drops or move up to the next phase.

In addition to having adverse health effects, molds can also act as protective coatings, shielding certain pathogens inside the body. By integrating the Chlorine Dioxide Phase 2 method, which uses bentonite clay as its fungal weapon of choice, the protective layer of fungus can be penetrated and eliminated if that is the case. MMS can get to the pathogen once the protective layer has been removed.

Phase 3

Phase 3 is also known as Protocol 1000. Once you have been using Chlorine Dioxide Phases 1 and 2 for a while, move up to Phase 3 and stay at this regimen until you start to notice results. If you are still waiting to see progress after five or six days, consider if something is preventing the MMS from working properly. Things like Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, herbal tea, diet sodas, and GMO foods could be causing the MMS to become ineffective. If you are confident that none of these things are responsible for the lack of results, it may be time to move on to the next step.

Phase 4

Phase 4 is also known as Protocol 1000. If you don’t see results in Chlorine Dioxide Phase 3, it might be time to up the ante by adding DMSO to your MMS regimen. Chlorine Dioxide Phase 4 is an addition to your otherwise Chlorine Dioxide Phase 3 regimen, so continue using the solution for as long as you see results. If your symptoms do not improve after five or six days, you might want to move on to Phase 5.

Phase 5

Chlorine Dioxide Phase 5 is also known as Protocol 2000 As part of Chlorine Dioxide Phase 5, you begin taking calcium hypochlorite on day three or four. It would be best if you continued this level of treatment until you notice improvements and are feeling better every day or every few days. If you don’t see noticeable improvement, you should move on to Phase 6 of Chlorine Dioxide.

DMSO should not be mixed with this product.

Phase 6

Chlorine Dioxide Phase 6 is also known as Protocol 3000. Chlorine Dioxide Phase 6 is merely an empowered extension of Phase 5 that increases the overall effectiveness of the delivery of MMS through a topical application which can efficiently deliver the Chlorine Dioxide solution to its targeted location for dissemination via the exterior skin.

Once you reach the Chlorine Dioxide Phase 6 of chlorine dioxide treatment, stay on it until complete health is regained. If, after five or six days, there are still no signs of recovery, consider adding other natural supplements (see Chapter 6) that have active components to bring resolution to the intricate medical problems we currently face. Supplementing Chlorine Dioxide with holistic approaches may be a prudent next step.

Phase 7

Chlorine Dioxide Phase 7 uses the chlorine dioxide solution that is prepared by permeating the pure water directly with the gas from activated drops of Chlorine Dioxide. See How to Make CDS (an acronym for Chlorine Dioxide Solution).

These seven Phases of basic Chlorine Dioxide regimes form the basis of methods used to address specific maladies and constitute the seven basic methods of using chlorine dioxide or MMS as a way of increasing your body’s ability to heal itself.

If at any time you feel unwell due to excessive toxic die=off, remember to cut back by one-half the drops you are currently taking but do not stop taking chlorine dioxide. It does not make sense to stop but continue to take, as stopping would enable what ails you to increase in numbers exponentially.

You can find out more about the 7 Phases of Chlorine Dioxide for Health in my book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, even though it has been banned by Amazon, it is available at some independent booksellers.


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