Chlorine Dioxide

Originally discovered in Russia in the late 1700s, chlorine dioxide was rediscovered in 1814 when Sir Humphrey Davy combined potassium chlorate with hydrochloric acid and studied its reaction. The chlorine dioxide reaction was later produced more commonly with sodium chlorite rather than potassium chlorate.

You’ll notice that chlorine dioxide has a very similar odor to chlorine, and that’s because it is a member of the chlorine family, but it differs substantially from chlorine in chemical makeup and demonstrable properties.

As Davy discovered, chlorine dioxide is a synthetic gas that can be suspended in water and offers excellent antibacterial properties. Unlike chlorine (the poison), chlorine dioxide does not mix readily with other substances. Because chlorine dioxide has a very similar cellular structure to water, H2O can bond naturally with the gas.

Over the past 80 years, chlorine dioxide has been used extensively to whiten paper, to disinfect public water for safe distribution and consumption, as well as to disinfect food, food preparation areas, and to ward off bioweapons like anthrax by the military.

It also kills a wide variety of small parasites that inhabit food processing plants, including fungus, spores, molds, E. coli, and all bacteria and viruses.


My father, Jim Humble, discovered that you can purify water with chlorine dioxide in any non-metallic container, especially in the body. You are eliminating bad bacteria inside the body! He details his findings in his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium. MMS stands for Master Mineral Solution, which is a nickname for chlorine dioxide. He was the first to introduce it as MMS, and many millions of people still refer to it as MMS today,

I want you to know something about chlorine dioxide to better understand why it has no effect on your body itself, but only kills and oxidizes pathogens, their waste, heavy metals, and other body pollution, as well as the preservatives and dyes used in food manufacturing.

You can help your body heal itself once you understand how chlorine dioxide works with our bodies in a healthy way.

Because it does not annihilate pathogens chemically, the germs cannot develop an immunity to it overtime, like artificial antibiotics do.

Due to its opposite electrical potential, chlorine dioxide kills pathogens and oxidizes waste products in our bodies, or out of them for that matter, and it has the same electrical potential as our body and its helpful bacteria, so it cannot harm our body nor its friendly bacteria.

In contrast to chemical pathogen killers that attack our body systems just as dangerously as they attack our bad guys, it’s neutral to our body and our good gut bacteria. Other pathogen killers do not even pay attention to the poisons the chemical killers leave in your body, and they gamble that the bad guys in your body will die before you do.

By selecting chlorine dioxide as the pathogen-eliminator of your choosing, you will be pursuing the holistic approach to ridding your system of germs and waste without disrupting your own body or its helpful organisms. Its effectiveness at eliminating nasties and rubbish makes it unlikely that you start with more than a 1/4 drop per hour over 8 hours, as this may result in an overload of bodily systems. To learn how to get 1/4 of a drop, please refer to Chapter 2 of my book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration.

During my father’s research, he discovered that chlorine dioxide in these small doses did not harm the body in any way. Most people his age are content with retiring and taking it easy for the rest of their days. Not my dad. He is compelled to keep promoting the health benefits or MMS and the truth as he knows it the world over.

With millions of people using it worldwide, greedy medicine companies and their captive doctors will find it very difficult to hide its existence.

You now know why millions of people consider it the best way to eliminate pathogens, viruses, toxins, most molds, and heavy metals.

~Paris Humble






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