My Dad Jim Humble MMS and Chlorine Dioxide

My Dad, Jim Humble, taught me all he knew about life and MMS and/or chlorine dioxide.

First off let me make one thing clear; MMS (an acronym for Miracle Mineral Solution, my dad coined for Chlorine Dioxide) is not a new product. MMS is a way to use an existing product (an inexpensive water purifier called Chlorine Dioxide) in a healthy manner to rid the body of bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and (very important) the waste material and dead bodies of all those tiny pathogens that eat on our bodies. With most of those eaters gone out with our waste material, the body can work as it was designed to and heal itself.

My dad, Jim Humble, stumbled onto this remarkable MMS healing method in 1996, while mining in the Amazon Basin of Guyana. a country just South of Venezuela on the Northeast Coast of South America, as he witnessed first-hand as his workers lay dying of malaria recovered in only four hours. After returning to the states, dad spent years immersed in the research and development of this water purification solution. He received tremendous reports from volunteers with testimonials of complete healings from all kinds of maladies.

My dad’s methods, which are outlined in his book, MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, have been used with great success by millions of people all over the world over the last 26 years. He used to say, “If sick people in hospitals used MMS, in 90 days 90% of the people would be well enough to walk out of the hospital.”

My dad has made many sacrifices to get the word out about something he believes in and is so important, while the FDA, pharmaceutical and medical industries have relentlessly attacked him on one side.

On the other side, everyone that I ever remember trying MMS in those early days achieved 100% recovery rates. I can’t think of any other healing method that has 100% efficacy. Based on my witness, MMS is the only thing that could accomplish such a feat.

Watching these miraculous recoveries take place and hearing about these people’s amazing stories, it’s no wonder that I dedicated my life to the service to others to achieve optimal health, wellness, and a better, high quality and longer life as a Health Coach.

Thanks to my experience watching my dad conduct his work as this Miracle Mineral Solution and  my continued studies in health, wellness, and longevity, I feel confident about helping people with untreatable maladies, such as ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Alzheimer’s, autism, cancer (all kinds), coeliac disease, HIV, Leukemia, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s, polio, progeria, rheumatoid arthritis, schizophrenia, spinocerebellar ataxia, worn-out joints, etc. And my dad continues to receive stories of the miraculous results every day.

Keep in mind, though MMS or chlorine dioxide water purifier, has had a huge impact on those suffering from a wide range of diseases, chlorine dioxide does not cure any disease that I know of.  I used to think so, and how could you not with all those people telling you that MMS cured them of the uncurable diseases, but as I continued my health and wellness education, I came to understand what chlorine dioxide does.

All it does, is to purify the body, just as it purifies the water, which is what chlorine dioxide is world famous for doing.

It appears that the first thing it does is to purify the water, then any active ingredient that is left over purifies the body. And what I mean by “purify” is in reference to its ability to kill all known pathogens that are harmful to the body.

Therefore, if you are adding water purification solution to water with impurities in it, such as tap water is known to have, it will kill the stuff that needs to be dealt with, then whatever active ingredient is left will be available to work on the inside of your body to do the same.

Start With Better Water

So, the better the water you use at the outset, the more active pathogen-killing ingredient you have to work on your body. That is why we suggest using distilled water, because there should be little or no active chlorine dioxide wasted on the delivery method, increasing the efficacy of the human benefit.

I feel this is so important that we continue to spread the word about chlorine dioxide, that I have released my book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, to join and continue my father’s efforts.

We are surrounded by toxins and take not thought about what other toxins we are willingly ingesting and allowing our bodies to absorb through other methods. It is no wonder the world and our bodies are in such a tragic state.

I have great hope for a world where people can be allowed to use the inexpensive God-given resources that we have to help others heal and have a better life.

~ Paris Humble


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