Personal Use of Chlorine Dioxide

For at-home use, chlorine dioxide is made by mixing two ingredients together. These parts are readily available in a kit for purifying questionable water in the field. This two-part formulation is used by hikers, campers, and outdoorsmen. It is a suggested part of emergency and survival kits and is used by the military and among exploration teams in the field. The two-part chlorine dioxide water purifier kit can be bought over the counter at sportsman supply stores.

The two-part mixture is created on-site on demand to treat water in the field. To do so, equal amounts of Part 1 and Part two, i.e., 3 drops each, are placed in a glass container and swirled together and allowed to activate for 30 seconds. Proper activation should be noticeable by detecting the aroma of the chlorine gas coming from the mixture as well as a yellow tint to the mixture. Following the 30-second activation, the mixture can be added to 1 quart of water and allowed to set for purification.

This is the same method of mixing used by practitioners and home users. Home use was pioneered by researcher, Jim Humble, whose imagination was captivated by witnessing the lifesaving effects of chlorine dioxide on miners dying of malaria in the jungles of the Amazon. After returning to the states, he began his research on other possible benefits to using chlorine dioxide besides just the most effective water purification solution.


You can find his results and conclusions published in his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium which was published in 2016. Basically, Humble, who nicknamed the water purification solution Master Mineral Solution or MMS for short, suggests starting with one drop of Part 1 and one drop of Part 2 swirled in a glass and adding 4 ounces of water and drinking for potential therapeutic value. The contention is that since chlorine dioxide is so effective at killing pathogens outside the body, it may be as effective inside the body.

Chlorine dioxide exploding dangerous cell

Humble’s theory proves true. Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is unique in its approach to dealing with harmful bacteria when compared to other bactericides. ClO2 is not chemically attracted to beneficial bacteria as both carry the same electrical charge as the human body. When ClO2 encounters harmful bacteria, which possesses an opposing electrical charge, it robs electrons from the cell causing it to explode via oxidation. Other oxidizers will do the same but can only rob 2 electrons, which does kill most harmful bacteria. But ClO2 destroys hard to kill bacteria by being able to rob up to five electrons, making it two and a half times more powerful, enabling it to kill all known harmful bacteria without affecting beneficial bacteria.

As the most powerful pathogen killer known to man, as cited by The American Society of Analytical Chemists, it eliminates harmful bacteria, viruses, and other potentially destructive cells, nano-microbes, and particles, including cancerous cells.

When Part 1 (a sodium chlorite dilution) and Part 2 (an acid activator solution) are combined and activated, they create a gas that is suspended in the water for up to 30 minutes before it dissipates. During this time, it can be ingested with full efficiency or administered topically by mixing it with DMSO.

According to author Herb Roi Richards, PhD., ClO2 and DMSO are an effective combination. ClO2 combines naturally with DMSO, and DMSO’s ability to deliver it through the protective layers of skin, through the tissue, to the bloodstream, and even to the bone marrow. Richards refers to this as injectionless administration using DMSO’s unique penetrant capabilities. You can learn more about this in his book, DMSO Dimethyl Sulfoxide for Humans Recipes & Treatment.

How to Kill the Bugs

The secret appears to be in the regular taking of chlorine dioxide. Treatment resistant bacteria and pathogens have an incredible survival instinct, when they sense they are under attack, they find a place to hide in biofilm and other hiding places inside the body. Most biocides are able to kill them when they come in contact with them but are unable to get to them if they are effectively hidden. Once the coast is clear they come back out and continue to propagate.


This is the efficacy of treating once every hour. Since the chlorine dioxide gas dissipates in half an hour, the pathogens sense it is safe to come back out, then they are hit once again. This continues hour after hour. Although, chlorine dioxide is also an effective disintegrator of the biofilm where the pathogens may be residing putting them further at risk. Depending on the population and severity, treatment may take time.

Killed Chronic Lyme in 1 Year

Author Herb Roi Richards and his wife, Taylore were able to defeat their incurable chronic Lyme disease in one year of regular hourly drinking of chlorine dioxide purified water during waking hours. Their story is related in Richards’ book, Lyme Disease Non-Medical Diagnosis and Treatment: How I Kicked Chronic Lyme disease in One Year for Pennies.

Enter Paris Humble

Jim Humble’s daughter, Paris Humble, is following in her father’s footsteps. Having grown up in The House of Humble, Paris witnessed first-hand the miraculous results of her father’s research and like her father, possesses a strong curiosity about healthy alternatives as well as a desire to help others.

Paris Humble has also recently authored a book about the health benefits of chlorine dioxide for personal, familial, and pet use, which was immediately banned from Amazon upon its release. She continues to spread the news about chlorine dioxide, which her father nicknamed MMS from her home in the Pacific Northwest.

Chlorine Dioxide Side Effects

There are warnings that come associated with the use of chlorine dioxide. The most important is not to take it while one is taking any prescription medications or even other herbal remedies or herbal treatments due to potential contraindicators. Some substances may not be compatible with ClO2, and others may render it useless. For instance, mixing it with orange juice will cancel out its efficacy, although a half-hour buffering time prior to and after taking ClO2 should be sufficient to preserve its full power.

Detoxification is the major issue with using chlorine dioxide on a consistent basis over time. According to Paris Humble, “If you’re killing off too many bugs too fast, you will experience adverse physical reactions due to such an aggressive approach.”

Severe detoxification symptoms could include itching, sweating, nausea, runny nose, unexplained tears, diarrhea, and vomiting, as the body is trying to get rid of the waste products, dead bugs, from the body. According to Paris Humble, if you experience these reactions, the key is to slow down.

Back off the dose you are taking by one-half. If severe reactions persist, cut the dose in-half once again. Once your dosage becomes more tolerable, she says, you can increase the dose drop by drop until you reach your desired results.

For more information, see Paris Humble’s book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration.



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