Jim Humble MMS News and Janet Hedlund

This knowledge obtained as a result of the incident that happened yesterday could save your life at a future date. This has been a learning experience for all of us concerning MMS. Bishop Janet Hedlund, who experienced this, was extremely aware that her data would prove valuable to others in the future. Thus, she continued to describe how she felt even after the sting until she became shocked about two hours later.

On a Sunday afternoon, four of us – Janet, Jim Humble, John Parker, and his wife Richelle – were swimming in the Gulf of Mexico when Janet suddenly declared her ankle had been bitten. Instantly, the leg went numb, and she was unable to move. John and Richelle, being nearest to her, helped her out of the water and onto the sand. John then carried Janet up some stairs and laid her down on a wide, low cement wall just outside the house.

After the numbness changed to intense pain, Janet could not move her leg. She screamed if any of us touched her leg.

I was just about to prepare some MMS for Janet when we were struck by an unbelievable occurrence: we hadn’t brought any MMS with us! We had to rush to the beach house instead. Luckily, Janet had prepared a spray bottle containing 3 ounces of water and 30 drops of MMS before leaving; I had also put together a spray bottle with 2 ounces of water and 20 drops of MMS. We’ll never know if that really saved her life, but she did direct me to pour its contents into a glass, fill it up with water, and then ingest it in just 10 minutes after being stung.

Despite the fact that National Geographic Magazine only reports 2 or 3 deaths per year from Sting Rays in the world, they did not look very far as a single hospital in Columbia reports more than 8 deaths per year. There have been similar reporting from other Columbia hospitals and hospitals in several neighboring countries. After seeing thousands of sick people, I can tell you that Janet was in serious trouble.

Janet had begun to shake before she drank the MMS. Despite her trembling hand, she managed to take the glass and drink it. Soon enough, the shaking started to subside and she began to feel better. We were quickly prepared for the journey back home. John and Richelle mixed bentonite clay and put it on the sting hole while I poured some spray bottle content into a glass, added water, and handed it to Janet with twenty drops in it so that she could drink an ounce every ten minutes during our one-hour trip back home. John drove as fast as he safely could, though the traffic was dense.

As Richelle held her head, Janet’s body and leg heated up, her eye twitched, and the shaking became more intense. Despite feeling scared and in immense pain, she continued to share with us how she felt and what was happening. Finally, she cried out that she couldn’t bear it any longer, to which Richelle responded, “Yes, you can until we get home.” Taking a dose of around 20 drops seemed to help alleviate the tremors a bit.

When we returned, John, who is very strong, carried her into the house and put her on a massage table where infrared heat was applied to the sting area, and oxygen was given through a standard oxygen tank. Infrared heat on the sting area helped relieve some of the pain, but the poison was still coming up her leg. The oxygen seemed to help a lot, but she still looked like she was about to go into shock.

I went back to the house and left John and his wife to take care of Janet. Making CDI was simple for me, as I had done it many times before. To create it, I added an ounce of MMS to one baby bottle and an ounce of 50% muriatic acid mixed with water in another one. To ensure the chlorine dioxide would leave the first bottle, I connected a polyurethane tube that had a hole at one end. The other end went into a second baby bottle filled with water, and within seconds, the chlorine dioxide started flowing out and dissolving in the new bottle. It is important that this bottle remains wide open, or it can potentially explode.

I arrived home less than a half-hour prior when I had prepared a 3000 ppm CDS baby bottle. Testing the ppm with our test strips, I made CDI by adding a few drops of sodium chlorite to it. This was to raise the pH level up to 5.2 and make it stable, though I had no pH strips to check if this was accurate. At this point, accuracy wasn’t a primary concern, as CDS should still work even with slight discomfort. Fortunately, she was in such pain that any minor irritation wouldn’t be noticed anyway.

By this time, Janet was unable to move. Her body simply wasn’t responding to her commands, and she couldn’t stand up. John and Michelle could tell that she was about to go into shock. They kept a supply of MMS on hand as well as a supply of medical items. The syringes had a 5 ml capacity and the smallest needle normally needed. I loaded one of those syringes with just an ml of CDI liquid from the baby bottle.

Bentonite Clay

Janet was very scared of needles, but I assured her that the needle I was using was small and held it up for her to see. She reluctantly accepted the idea of me injecting her foot and nodded silently. After applying some bentonite clay over the injection hole, I carefully inserted the needle until it touched a bone about half an inch deep. I injected one milliliter of CDI and the pain increased for around three seconds before suddenly decreasing by 90%. Janet’s expression changed dramatically as she was almost instantly relieved from most of the pain. Within a few short seconds, she sat upright with a huge smile on her face and exclaimed in amazement, “That was incredible! Most of my discomfort is gone!”

You may not realize how fast MMS or CDS, or CDI can work. In this case, the paralysis was lifted instantly when the poison was neutralized, that was sitting on a nerve that connected the foot to the body’s control centers and even the brain. Of course, the pain caused by this was gone as well.

Although there is still more poison to overcome and some pain remains, this proves that sometimes it takes more than heavy oral doses to cure the illness. In order to kill the poison, chlorine dioxide must sometimes be injected into the infected or affected area. If you cannot get enough MMS from your stomach to the affected area, you will need an injection needle to do the job.

In spite of her hobbling on the first day following the sting, Janet was able to walk pretty normally on the second day. As Janet is allergic to bee stings and other poisons, I suspect that this sting would have been lethal if she had not been treated with MMS. I have never seen such an extreme reaction before. Please consider attending our next seminar.

MMS/CDS Seminar is coming at the end of September – 24th to 28th. If you want to understand how to save lives and beat any health problems that you or someone else might have, then join us! MMS is a solution like nothing modern medicine has ever thought of and even beyond what alternative remedies can offer. While we don’t doubt the power of various herbs and supplements, MMS provides faster results. Come learn all the details!

Jim Humble

Most of our Ministers have honed their healing techniques over the years, and we never encourage them to stop; only to add MMS. We now have 435 Health ministers from 72 countries around the world, almost all of whom shared with me: “I believe in MMS, but that’s not why I came; I felt an irresistible urge.” So if you feel something akin to that, know that you are one of us. When you join us here, I will tell you the grand STORY OF EARTH: then you’ll understand why you were summoned and what your role is in addressing the dire problems besetting this planet.

Whilst you are here you will be taught everything you want to know about MMS and CDS. The first day will involve at least one day of Protocol 1000, followed by protocol 2000, and so forth. You’ll learn how to use it on your eyes, nose, and ears and for brushing your teeth in order to get rid of all gum diseases and promote dental health. How to apply either MMS gas or liquid onto the skin for health benefits and what steps to take when these don’t work will also be imparted. Lastly, you’ll find out how to fend off a number of diseases such as MRSA- which has grown immune to all known antibiotics yet kills a hundred thousand people annually -in just 10 minutes; malaria in four hours; HIV in three weeks; cancer in one to ten weeks; diabetes from one week up to three months; plus many more! We provide knowledge on how individuals can restore their health no matter how serious their condition may be.

You will learn all of the important new developments. We use what works, and we are always looking for new things. After learning how to use MMS to cure diseases, we find it necessary to remove parasites from the body after the diseases have disappeared. In order to eliminate parasites from your body, we have developed a parasite-cleansing program. Many of the illnesses caused by parasites cannot be treated by only MMS, so come and learn more about our parasite cleansing program.

The next seminar will last 5 days, as always, but you might like to stay a day or two longer. In the city of Merida, on the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico, the seminar will take place. The city is considered to be the safest in North America for cities with over 1 million people. The city is totally modern, unlike any other in Mexico. Compared to any other industrial country, it is just as good or better.

Our seminar will be housed in a stylish and modern hotel. For the price of $1,500, you get your room and three meals a day. Merida is easily accessible from Cancun Airport – either by taking a bus or flying, depending on the flight schedule or budget. Once you’re downtown, you have access to one of the biggest central markets you’ll ever see! Stay for a few additional days and explore – there’s only been one murder per year here, and you can feel safe walking around day or night, with many people leaving their doors unlocked or open.

There are many modern shopping malls, Walmart, Costco, Office Depot, Home Depot, Radio Shack, and all the rest in the city. There are also 100s if not thousands of small stands and shops in the central market, which American and other industrial cities lack.






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